Sodium Bicarbonate Tablet
Each Enteric coated tablet contains:
Sodium bicarbonate : 500mg
Product Profile
Sodium bicarbonate is used in treatment of metabolic acidosis, regardless of its etiology.
There are significant differences between oral, gastric soluble and enteric-coated intestinal
soluble forms of Sodium bicarbonate in terms of bioavailability. It is necessary to know the
difference, concerning therapy relevance.
Gastric soluble Sodium bicarbonate hydrolyzes with gastric hydrochloric acid giving Sodium
chloride and Carbon dioxide at the end of reaction (This pharmaceutical formulation was used
for gastric hyperacidity).
NaHCO3 + HCl→ NaCl + CO2 + H2O
If there is any excess amount of Sodium bicarbonate left in the medium after the reaction, the
left-over amount only reaches small intestine and is available for treating metabolic acidosis.
Hence, high amount of Sodium bicarbonate is required.
Furthermore, Sodium chloride produced at the end of reaction, increases sodium load and leads
to stomach flatulence and discomfort due to excessive Carbon dioxide produced in stomach.
Therefore, oral treatment of metabolic acidosis definitely should be carried out with enteric
coated intestinal soluble form. The product degrades in intestines only, where absorption will
take place. Only Sodium bicarbonate is absorbed without causing Sodium chloride overload.
This is a physiologically important difference.
References :
The most common side effect of sodium bicarbonate is bloating because of generation of
carbon dioxide in the gastrointestinal tract. Enteric-coated sodium bicarbonate may prevent
dose dumping in the stomach.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2014 February; 63(2): 311–317.
Sodium bicarbonate is inexpensive, but has the complication of producing excess carbon
dioxide which can be uncomfortable for the patient. The use of enteric coated tablets might
lessen this complication.
Management of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Clinician’s Guide ; edited by Mustafa Arici; pg.89
It is used in treatment of Metabolic acidosis; e.g.
- Renal acidosis
- Diabetic acidosis
- Lactic acid acidosis
- Acidosis due to increase in alkali elimination (i.e. severe diarrhea).